We join forces with Gravity Wave to remove waste from the Mediterranean Sea.


Why the sea?

More than ¾ of the planet is covered by water and is home to over 250,000 species of animals. Through phytoplankton, the seas and oceans produce between 50% and 80% of the oxygen we breathe, acting as a source of life.


The problem

Every year, between 8 and 12 million tons of plastic are dumped into our seas and oceans, with the Mediterranean being the most plastic-polluted sea on the entire planet. Fishing nets and gear account for 70% of floating macroplastics. All this plastic doesn't disappear; it accumulates due to its resistance to degradation.


The challenge

We want to be part of the solution. Under our action plan HAVE A NICE WORLD, we partner with Gravity Wave to work towards clean seas and oceans. Our goal? Collect 8 tons of plastic from the Mediterranean to transform it and give it a new useful life, away from the sea.

Circular Economy

Dive into the project

Gravity wave partners holding recycled material
Masks removed from the Mediterranean Sea
Conch entangled in a fishing net
Cutting a fishing net
Swimming next to a fishing net
Collecting a fishing net
Walking near plastic waste